Baixar Filme Arte de Roubar [2008] DVDRip Avi

Título Original: The Art of Stealing
Tamanho: 699 MB
Formato: DVDRip Avi
Qualidade de Audio: 10
Qualidade de Video: 10
Idioma: Inglês
Legenda: S/L
Gênero: Ação, Comédia, Crime
Ano de Lançamento: 2008

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Chico and Fuentes are two friends who live in small and theft scam, think Chico is a true master of crime, however their plans always end up not working. The two come to Portugal, where they think it is easy triumph in the crime and, where after a few adventures end up being hired by a mysterious butler to get a fifth of an abandoned countess argentina where a valuable part of the authorship of Van Gogh. However, Gomes, a dangerous gangster who spent the last 10 years in prison, is released, but his goal in life is revenge of the man responsible for the death of his two brothers and their imprisonment. This is the same man who hired butler and Chico Fuentes for the attack on Thursday. The outcome of the meeting of all these people is at least surprising. A taste of Portuguese American thriller directed by Leonel Vieira who had the presence of Ivo Canelas, Nicolau Breyner and Soraia Chaves, among others.

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